Tropical almond
Terminalia catappa
Description: This tree grows up to 9 meters (27 feet) tall. Its leaves are evergreen, leathery, 45 centimeters (18 inches) long, 15 centimeters (6 inches) wide, and very shiny. It has small, yellowish-green flowers. Its fruit is flat, 10 centimeters (4 inches) long, and not quite as wide. The fruit is green when ripe.
Habitat and Distribution: This tree is usually found growing near the ocean. It is a common and often abundant tree in the Caribbean and Central and South America. It is also found in the tropical rain forests of southeastern Asia, northern Australia, and Polynesia.
Edible Parts: The seed is a good source of food. Remove the fleshy, green covering and eat the seed raw or cooked.
Survival index
All text and images from the U.S. Army Field Manual 3-05.70: Survival.
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