16-33. You may find 25-, 35-, or 46-man rafts in multiplace aircraft (Figure 16-15). The 20-man raft has been discontinued. The rafts are stowed in raft compartments on the outside of the fuselage, usually on the wings, alongside the upper half of the port (left) side of the aircraft. There will always be enough raft space to accommodate all personnel on each type of aircraft. If the number of personnel exceeds the maximum number of raft spaces, additional rafts will be centerline-loaded and ratchet-strapped to the cargo bay floor. Some may be automatically deployed from the cockpit or from stations within the cargo area, usually near the crew chief's station, while others may need manual deployment. No matter how the raft lands in the water, it is ready for boarding. A lanyard connects the accessory kit to the raft and you retrieve the kit by hand. You must manually inflate the center chamber with the hand pump. Board the 25-, 35-, or 46-man raft from the aircraft, if possible. If not, board in the following manner:
Approach the lower boarding ramp, following the arrows printed on the outside of the raft.
Remove your life preserver and tether it to yourself so that it trails behind you.
Grasp the boarding handles and kick your legs to get your body into a prone position on the water's surface; then kick and pull until you are inside the raft.
Figure 16-15. 25-Man Raft
16-34. An incompletely inflated raft will make boarding easier. Approach the intersection of the raft and ramp, grasp the upper boarding handle, and swing one leg onto the center of the ramp, as in mounting a horse.
16-35. Immediately tighten the equalizer clamp upon entering the raft to prevent deflating the entire raft in case of a puncture (Figure 16-16).
Figure 16-16. Immediate Action—Multiplace Raft
Survival index
All text and images from the U.S. Army Field Manual 3-05.70: Survival.
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